

The brief for this project was to create a game that would be distributed virally and advertise a brand or product. Once are group had come together we all went away and thought of ideas for are selves that we thought would create an immersive and enjoyable game that would fulfil this brief. The four of us all had very different ideas but the main points that all of them had in common was that they where score based, easy to learn and easy to share. After discussing each of are ideas we decided to go with a game that advertises chocolate. In this evaluation I will be analysing this game deciding how well it full-fills the key criteria of any game; the goals , challenges, interaction and rules.

Interaction in are game is very simple, with the player simply clicking and dragging chocolates onto different conveyor belts. This simplicity meant that the game was very easy to learn how to control however it did mean that as control is easily mastered other complexities must be put in place to keep the player interested and engaged in the experience.

Goals in the game are also very simple with the player asked to put the chocolates on the right conveyor belt so that the chocolates go under the correct machine. As both the interaction and the goals are very simple to achieve. Complexity comes when we challenged the player to mange multiple chocolates at once. This ended up working very well, by keeping the goal and interactions simple we managed to get the player immersed very quickly and then keeping them interested by making them do this seemingly simple task on multiple chocolates at once, as well as managing them to ensure that they don't get too many chocolates together clogging up the conveyor belts.

In are design document we have stated that the speed of the conveyor belt would increase as time would go on, however we did not get a chance to implement this into are game, I feel that adding this would have added a lounger difficulty ramp that would have increased the play time of are game. The other feature that had to be cut because of time constraints was the random events, these would happen at random and change different variables for a short space of time. Implementing this feature would help keep the game interesting for lounger play sessions as the more random element would create a grater sense of chaos.

The pick up and play functionality of are game as well as its very colourer full nature help with creating a engaging experience that educates the player of the brand. The score based nature as well as the quick play sessions make the game very easy to share and to talk about with friends, which I feel has made the game an effective piece of viral advertising.